Deaconate ordination 2014

Every end presupposes a beginning. In the same way, every beginning presupposes an end. This year 2014 is really a grace-filled year for our SDS community, especially for the East Asian Mission Vicariate. What makes it a very remarkable year is that two of our brothers had fully completed their religious formation programs, even more, so that one of them was the first Vietnamese brother to be ordained as a deacon and be sent as the first missionary to Vietnam.

On April 5, 2014, our two brothers Joseph Nguyen Chi Cong SDS from Vietnam and Joseph Zhou Fei SDS from China were ordained as deacons in the chapel of Mater Salvatoris Formation House in New Manila Quezon City by Most Reverend Bishop Honesto F. Ongtioco, DD, the bishop of Cubao Diocese.

Witnessing the event there were Rev. Fr. Christopher Kowalczyk SDS, member of Generalate; Rev. Fr. Adam Janus SDS, East-Asian Vicariate Superior; other SDS Priests in East Asian Vicariate; and other Priests and guests from other religious congregations and countries. 

After the receiving spiritual nourishment in the Eucharistic celebration, the lunch was followed and our valuable guests are accommodated in our dining hall for physical nourishment. Most Reverend Bishop Honesto F. Ongtioco gave us the honour in joining us the celebration.

This day is marked with a milestone for our community as well as for our two newly ordained deacons. It marks the end of their religious formations and at the same time the beginning of their ministry in the Holy Church through the Society of the Divine Savior.

We are truly grateful to Our Savior and His Mother for showering abundant blessings and providing Divine Providence upon us. In the same way, we are heartily thankful to our benefactors who, in many ways, support us and our newly ordained deacons in their years of religious formation as well as in their future ministry.

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